Job's Patience
New York Ledger
Aug. 8 1863
Aug. 8 1863
NOW if there is a proverb that needs re-vamping, it is "The patience of Job." In the first place, Job wasn't patient. Like all the rest of his sex, from that day to the present, he could be heroic only for a little while at a time. He began bravely; but ended, as most of them do under annoyance, by cursing and swearing. Patient as Job! Did Job ever try, when he was hungry, to eat shad with a frisky baby in his lap? Did Job ever, after nursing one all night, and upon taking his seat at the breakfast-table the morning after, pour out coffee for six people, and second cups after that, before he had a chance to take a mouthful himself? Pshaw! I've no patience with "Job's patience." It is of no use to multiply instances; but there's not a faithful house-mother in the land who does not out-distance him in the sight of men and angles, every hour in the twenty-four.
Fanny Fern
To cite this project:
Fanny Fern, "Job's Patience," Fanny Fern Archive, Ed. Haley Jones (2019)
Fanny Fern, "Job's Patience," Fanny Fern Archive, Ed. Haley Jones (2019)