About This Project
The purpose of the Fanny Fern Archive is to educate and inform both academic and public individuals about Fanny Fern, in addition to providing exposure to her textual works. It is my hope and goal to share Fern’s work with interested individuals — both through intentional and accidental discovery — so that her words, and the messages behind them, can find new audiences. I envision this digital archive as becoming yet another tool in the feminist movement of today, providing a connection between current issues and historical ones, strengthening the bonds between the current feminist landscape and “our grandmother’s mentor(s)” of the past, as Fern’s messages clearly echo gender equality concerns of today’s modernity. This will be accomplished and organized via the website through a biography page, about the project page, and a column page — for now.
Learn more about Haley's projects at HaleyLaraJones.com.
The Fanny Fern Archive is edited by Haley JonesArchive Editor/Creator: Haley Jones
Haley will continue her research through the Rhetoric and Composition PhD program at the University of South Florida. Haley's current research interests work to combine humanities with the digital sphere. She is most intrigued with how digital rhetorical theory, in application with digital marketing techniques, can enhance an entity’s digital footprint. Additionally, through the creation of digital artifacts, Haley is most interested in how one can further develop effective communication with the public. Haley’s other research interests include public memory studies, the way in which computational tools can affect public memory, the rhetoric of marketing and communication, the circulation of digital artifacts, affects of technical communication, satirical rhetoric and its place in the digital sphere (memeology), and maker-culture. |